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Tree Pruning
Pruning is the process of removing select branches from a tree. Proper pruning is essential in developing a tree with a strong structure and desirable form. Trees that receive the appropriate pruning care while they are young will require little corrective pruning when they mature.
Why Prune Your Tree?
- For future heath - Prune a tree to establish good branch spacing and structure, and one central trunk.
- For safety - Pruning assures that the vision or sight lines of motorists, bikers or pedestrians are not compromised. It is important to prune dead, diseased or damaged branches promptly. Not only can diseased branches cause further problems with the tree, a large falling branch can cause considerable damage.
- For asthetics - A well maintained tree looks good and adds value to your property.
When to Prune Your Tree?
Prune when the tree is dormant, in Oregon this is typically November through March. The worst time to prune a tree is in the spring when tree buds and leaves are growing.
Depending on your goals, a number of pruning options are available.
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