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CCB# 240097

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General Tree Care Tips

There are certain insect, disease, animal, and cultural problems that you may encounter with your trees, depending on what kinds of trees you have, where you live, and how you care for your trees. Young trees are especially vulnerable, so to protect your investment of time and money, watch them closely.

The mulch you spread at planting will eventually decompose, so add more from time to time to maintain a constant thickness of three inches.

Newly planted trees need three inches of water per week during their first growing season - supplement rain with water.

Spray ant desiccants such as Wilt-Proof on evergreen trees to prevent moisture loss from winds and sun exposure.

Keep a sharp eye out for leaves chewed on the outside edges or holes in the middle - sure signs of pests.

If you see surface roots emanating from your tree, cover them with no more than two inches of topsoil mixed with peat moss or sand, or plant a ground cover to hide the roots.

We will be happy to answer your questions and recommend action whenever possible, and direct you to Agricultural Extension offices or arborists when necessary.


Pruning is needed to remove dead, diseased, injured, broken, rubbing and crowded limbs. Trees are thinned to allow for the wind and air to flow through. Proper thinning reduces wind resistence often responsible for uprooting or creating deformities.

A well-thinned tree reflects a skilled arborist with good judgement and it is worthwhile investment in a valued tree. Healthy, well-formed trees increase the value of property. And the opposite is also true.

A well-pruned tree will hardly look like it has been pruned. The tree will retain the characteristics of its species. Some tree species are small, some are large. A skilled arborist will not make a large tree small as that is contrary to industry standards.

Prune deciduous trees in winter after the leaves have fallen - you will be able to see the shape and branching patterns better.

When to Prune

Tree pruning to remove hazardous limbs, dead and diseased branches, can be accomplished at any time. Light pruning can usually be done at any time. Large cuts are best made in late winter or early spring. Correct pruning is more important than timing.

Drainage/Aeration/Vertical Mulching

If the soil drains easily, it is usually well aerated. Soil that does not drain, needs aeration. An adequate supply of oxygen and water to the roots is essential. Vertical mulching can improve the soil and encourage root growth and water uptake. For this, holes are drilled around the root zone and filled with small gravel or other material for the purpose.


The frequency of watering depends of the type of soil and the amount of rainfall. Water must be allowed to soak deep into the ground. The most beneficial time to water trees is in the early morning. Water slowly or use drip irrigation until the water has moistened down to the roots. Do not allow water to puddle or accumulate and runoff. This is wasteful and can be detrimental to root growth and function.

Tree Nutrition & Fertilizing

Trees require certain essential elements to function and grow. Fertilizing a tree can increase growth, reduce susceptibility to certain diseases and pests, and can help reverse declining health.

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Westbound Tree Service Inc.

No job too big . . . we do big jobs and we do small ones too.

At Westbound Tree Service, we do tree removal, tree trimming, pruning, stump grinding, chipping, shrub removal. and more.

If you need work done on your trees feel free to call Westbound Tree Service for a prompt and courteous bid.

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We WILL work for you!

Let Westbound Tree Service remove that unsightly tree stump off your property. We will do it quickly and safely.